Category Archives: pa


Child, It has been many days since I've written and I am sorry for that lapse. I read to your belly home and touch-feel for you everyday, but still, I have neglected a precious strand. These words represent a special … Continue reading

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Child, Your Mom fiercely defends the robin's nest outside our back door. Cats prowl our neighborhood by the hundreds and treat our back step like stadium seating for the baby bird snack show. Or they used to, until your Mom, … Continue reading

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Child, Tonight I felt you move for the first time. We laid in bed and I read Charlotte's Web to you and your Mom. She told me you were moving around and so I pressed my hand against your belly … Continue reading

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Child, You are freshly returned from your first international travels. You flew in cramped jet liners, rode in rattling buses and motored around in a sturdy water taxi. Did you feel the movement? Does that movement run in your blood … Continue reading

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Child, There are more pictures in sound. Your strong bones glow white and your kidneys are pitch black spots, as they should be. We see your cerebellum and are happy to discover that it's healthy growing. We count your fingers. … Continue reading

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Orange Moon

Child, A picture of the orange moon you call home. Your Mom said you were moving like the ocean in there when I took this picture. pa-

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Child, Again we hear your heart beating. Last time it was a wonderful, nervous sound. This time it is steady pounding. Your heart is strong and true. “There he is,” I announced at the first echo. My sincere apologies if … Continue reading

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my blue collar blood

Child, I've been thinking again about teaching, about how much you will learn from the shape of my shoulders and the blade of my voice. I know that I am shaped of habits that I was never taught. They are … Continue reading

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Child, Last night I worried that I have nothing to teach you about charity. I think of this every time I see the bitter boys begging change at the stop light. Their placards urge me to have a heart. Apparently … Continue reading

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History is possible

Child, History emerges before you. So many words we receive from so many people. Those who had children, be it two years or fifty-two years ago, are immediately thrown back in time to these moments: when they first knew they … Continue reading

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