Author Archives: Marc

Sea Creatures

Abraham, We are recently returned from your first trip to Rhode Island, to visit your families and to see the ocean. As always, these trips are overwhelming for me. Everyone wants and deserves our time and now, with you as … Continue reading

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Abraham, Last weekend we hung up a piece of big paper and made our first mural. I got things started with a couple of your favorites, birds and bunnies. Then the whole family scribbled. As is usually the case with … Continue reading

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Upside down

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Abe, Last week we visited the Nature Center again. We decided to get a membership and you can look forward to many more visits to the otters and the fat bunny who sits lazily in a shady spot in his … Continue reading

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Johnny Clash

Abraham, Your new look- fresh from the shower- is a perfect blend of Johnny Cash and early Clash. You're my country-punk-rock-a-billy star. Pans, bell-like bowls and a damned loud popcorn tin are your drumset. Plastic spoons are your sticks. The … Continue reading

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Turtle Island

Abraham, Our fondness for all things creeping and crawling is well known around the neighborhood. Barbara recently brought us the first cicada shell of the year. Today, as you and I tried to launch ourselves into orbit from a swinging … Continue reading

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Lightning Bugs

Abraham, Last night, after the thunderstorms rumbled us up from naps and jolted the corn and beans back to life in the garden, we took our evening walk. The lightning storms inspired the fireflies into amazing performances. Right at dusk … Continue reading

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Grandma T

Abraham, Over Memorial Day weekend your Grandma T came to visit. She had only met you once before, over Thanksgiving, when you had just had your surgery. I can't understand how times moves; those moments are etched in my memory … Continue reading

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Abraham, I am too long away from these pages. Sometimes life gets in the way of reporting on life. Everyday is full of life and color. You have two teeth now and crawl backwards, though your primary mode of transport … Continue reading

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Sunday morning on the porch

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