First real Christmas

It was a gray, rainy Christmas, perfect for lolling around in pajamas, opening presents and playing with the crumpled remains of countless packages. You had a hand in opening everything under the tree, and what a haul it was. You got all kinds of books; your favorite so far is one about counting that has a page with one hundred ducks on it. Your wardrobe grew substantially by day's end, the highlight of which has to be the ice-blue camo hat- with floppy horns- and mitten set. You wear hats in thirty second intervals, tossing them to the ground as quickly as we can slide them on your head. Except this hat, which you wear proudly. It helps that it's hard to take off when wearing big mittens.

After the rain stopped, just as the cloud-soaked sun descended from the sky, we all took a walk up the mountain behind the house. The wind was driving the last clouds along a million miles an hour. You rode on my back and were very chatty, full of nonsense words and fake sneezes- a favorite joke around the house. It was all so perfect.


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