Sponges and dead leaves

People declare that you are a sponge, absorbing everything around you. It's an easy misconception to make; your dark eyes are always open and shiny clear. You see everything. But I don't think you absorb information so much as you go out and create it. Everything you see, you'd rather touch, taste, turn in your hands, smell, bang on and then watch fall to the ground a few times. The deadest, driest leaves are exciting, the way they crackle when crumpled, the way they flutter when waved, the way they make Mom and Dad say “No, sir,” when you hint at eating them. Ladybugs, books, butter tub lids, old watches, cell phones, pebbles and crayons are all equally fascinating. I feel fortunate that I get to watch you create the world one small, sweet thing at a time.

An incomplete list of your sign language:
bird, dog, cat, fish, snake, flower, eat, more, brush teeth, night-night, potty, where?, ball, book, finished, hat, wind, milk, dance, bye-bye
That's all you need for poetry.

flower wind dance finished,


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