
Last weekend we hung up a piece of big paper and made our first mural. I got things started with a couple of your favorites, birds and bunnies. Then the whole family scribbled. As is usually the case with you these days, everything went into the mouth, hence the blue mustache.

We've had a full weekend of critters. Friday evening we discovered a hummingbird bee- a moth really- in Barbara's garden, flitting around the flowers. A baby cardinal almost landed on your head, testing out its fresh wings.

On Saturday a very sickly old dog turned up staggering in the road in front of our house. She was impossibly thin and unsteady on her feet. She started brightening though, as soon as we gave her some water and food. Deaf and with glassy eyes, she sat sadly in the yard, relaxed enough to have me stroke her dirty coat. You watched her intently. I didn't let you too close, because I guessed she was just old and frail, but didn't want to risk that she was rabid or otherwise dangerous. No one was available to deal with her, and so she slept in the backyard. Later in the evening, we gave her some more food and you and I took our walk. A tiny screech owl swooped over our heads and landed in the mimosa tree. We stood under the tree and watched its fluffy silhouette. It was gone when we came back out with the flashlight but we heard it singing as it made its nightly rounds.

Today I buried the stray dog. Even though it was still willing to eat, it clearly wasn't doing well and shortly after lunch it started fading fast. I sat with her, my hand resting on her ribs, feeling as her breath came hard and fast and then slow and easy. And slower and slower, until I was sure each breath was her last. Then she exhaled and drew no more air. She stretched out, convulsed and for two minutes I felt amazing electricity glittering under her thin skin. Then she was gone. I buried her down in the fallow garden at the bottom of the yard. Tonight on our walk, you and I wished her safe passage.

Every single living moment seems more precious since you appeared in my life.


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