Turtle Island

Our fondness for all things creeping and crawling is well known around the neighborhood. Barbara recently brought us the first cicada shell of the year. Today, as you and I tried to launch ourselves into orbit from a swinging hammock, we heard the first cicadas giving voice. Yesterday, as we wandered by Barbara's little pond, she came out excited to share her latest treasure, a baby box turtle, no bigger than a half dollar. He had scrawny legs and a big attitude; he was not scared of us at all. He seemed intrigued by you and would only retreat into his shell when your explorations got too vigorous. We kept him for the evening, but he wasn't impressed with our menu of blueberries, spinach, peaches and mashed ants. Tonight you and I set him free in our meager herb garden. I think that we will see him again.

Today you witnessed your first World Cup. Italy righteously defeated France in the final after an epic battle. The great Zizou lost his cool late in the game, violently and petulantly tarnishing an otherwise stellar career. You were much more sporting that he was; you hung on gamely as the match lasted over two hours, missing most of your afternoon nap in the process. You played with your friend Tao and his cat Silo. I scared you a couple of times with my outbursts as Thierry Henry danced gracefully with the ball before tamely delivering it to Italy's goalkeeper Buffon. You were one of the estimated one billion people watching the game today. Your Mom and I watched our first World Cup in open air markets and in television sales showrooms in Thailand. Now it is another thread that helps me understand how amazing and beautfiul the world really is.

Thanks for sharing that with me.


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