Bluebirds and truck bibs

It was a month ago that we landed here and a week ago that we moved into this house. Even now, we aren't entirely settled in, but there aren't as many boxes as before. We'll hang pictures soon and plan a house-warming. This morning there was a turkey in the backyard and this evening a bluebird got into the Volvo. He is a fierce little fellow, tirelessly defending his territory from his reflection in car mirrors and windows. This is our sweet home.

Everything moves more slowly in the South. Everything but you. You eat real food now and are very independent about using spoons. Brown rice cereal is your favorite so far. It has the texture of good paper mache and cakes on your face, your truck bibs, your hands and your parents in equal measure. Pulverized sweet potatoes are a lovely color, but don't impress you much. Tomorrow, banana, or maybe avocado. Your Mom is growing you strong and healthy. I think you are ambidextrous because you get great distance hurling spoons whichever hand you use. You never took to the bottle, or even sippy cups, but you are getting adept at drinking from a glass.

You sit up on your own now, if only for a little while, before slowly tipping over. You roll over in both directions and wake yourself up every night, practicing rolling in your sleep.

Welcome home,

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