
You are our guiding light these days. You are endlessly bright and ready for the world, a good role model as we swim through a thick soup of tasks and details. In two days time we will board an airplane and no longer call Portland home. It is a sad parting, as there are magical people here. But we are a blessed family, and we move from magic to magic. In Asheville you will meet the community that married your Mom and me. We will be closer to family. Your Dad will work with stone and finish his next novel. Your Mom will make art and finish her book about teaching art. Your cousins Matthew, Henry and Grace will come to pick apples in the fall. We'll go play in waves at Huntington Beach. Graham will come visit and marvel at how much you've grown. It's all good.

Everyday you learn new things. Right now, the funniest thing in the world is when your Mom gets real close to you and speaks Thai. She says, “Ba-ba bo-bo, mahk-mahk,” which means “very crazy” and you giggle. You have started rolling over, from your belly to your back. I can't say if it's all intentional or not; sometimes it seems like you lean your head to one side and the momentum carries you right over. You're very philosophical about it though, you just lay on your back, smile at us, maybe suck on a finger or two. You are happy wherever you are.

As I said, you are a guiding light. And a good role model.


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One Response to Motion

  1. Evelyn says:

    I’m sorry I missed the party on Saturday, Amanda told me about it. I was dealing with my sick children. Enjoy your new home, enjoy being closer to your family. Thank you for allowing me to be at your birth. Best to you and your parents!!

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