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3 Responses to surgery

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh Baby!
    You will feel so much better now.

  2. Evelyn says:


    My husband, Rob, came home on Tuesday and said he had met you. Rob was the surgical nurse assigned to your case. Due to confidentiality, he could not give me any details, but said you did very well. He also said you and your parents were real troopers. Best to you little guy.


  3. linda says:

    I continue to be amazed by your ability to document the life of young Abe, and your experiences- so honestly and personally. Your photos and prose captured the essence of your Hospital Experience – and revived some bitter memories of my own – bringing me back to Jan 17, 1995 (the day Henry was diagnosed with meningitis) and of Jan 15, 1996 (2 days after he was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, and whisked away for surgery). The image of our sweet little boy – just barely able to sit up – in a hospital gown smiling and waving as he was being wheeled away and I choked back tears – is indelible – it will never be erased. What he went through was almost more than I could handle, more than a parent should be asked to bear……. and yet, our children survive, and thrive… because of medical technology, the grace of whatever spiritual force is at work in our worlds, our primeval parental love and protectiveness… and the unflappable strength of our little guys. Your reference to the tissue boxes, etc – (for me, the aroma of the ultra powerful antibacterial surgical soap is a real ‘trigger’ – every time we visit the Hospital for even the most routine of visits) brought me right back… I am a poor correspondent, but you all are never far from our thoughts. Your young man is a strong and a fortunate soul, destined for things perhaps beyond the realm of our understanding. I believe this to be true about our dear Henry, who also has endured so much in his young life – and who continues to amaze us. While he grows up and deals with Life Outside the Family Unite in real and stark ways, he touches people in ways I can never articulate – his presence is a gift I give thanks for every chance I get. His strength and innocent and pure heart give me strength, and fill me with infinite optimism for the future of all of us.

    I know that your dear son inspires such faith in you as well.

    Miss you all so much, Linda

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