History is possible

History emerges before you. So many words we receive from so many people. Those who had children, be it two years or fifty-two years ago, are immediately thrown back in time to these moments: when they first knew they would become parents, when they first saw their child, in sonar or in the flesh. You signal a place where past and possibility join up and run together, even if only for a little while.

I am humbled now by the thoughts of what I've accomplished in this life. Despite the conventional wisdom, you do not announce the closing off of any important corner of my life: travel, art or writing. But you do cause me to take stock. And how I wish I had pressed harder, done more, traveled further, if only to have more to share with you. You represent possibility manifest. The entire world is there for you: every color, every sound, every sweet word in every tongue spoken. When I think of all that awaits you, I feel like I squandered too much, bound up in doubt and distraction. But then I look again and see you painted in sound and realize all that has been has brought me to here. That's all good.

Possibility is limited by gravity, doubt and time. It's not that you can do everything, but that you can do anything.

You can and you will.


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One Response to History is possible

  1. Domenic says:

    with your mouth-breathe and live
    thru your eyes- observe and learn
    with your ears-take in everything
    but with your heart-be true to it always. And it’s here that you should listen most, to every word that falls off the lips of your parents. For they are two of the most pure people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet………

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