Comments on: Abraham Amedee Archambault /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/ Fri, 17 Mar 2006 23:39:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Teresa /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-195 Thu, 13 Oct 2005 04:39:24 +0000 Hello Little One,
Others have written to tell you about the storm that came through when you arrived. I want to tell you about the sunset. The true beauty of your birthplace is the spectrum of conditions Mother Nature bestows those that call Oregon home. I was looking west when I listened to your dads calm voice announcing your arrival. I couldn’t take my eyes off the horizon. The brilliance of the red and orange and pink contrasted against the darkened mountains and grey to the east. Awesome puffs of clouds were engorged with color. It reminded me of depictions of the womb. The heat and intensity portrayed by hues that hold us hostage, if only for a few moments. I realized it is these captured moments that are priceless. They make up life. And your life, I believe, will be amazing. I hope I get to be a part of it.
With hope and love, T

By: Carolyn (k-ro) /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-194 Mon, 10 Oct 2005 05:46:46 +0000 By the way, you have a fabulous name!! AAA

By: Carolyn (k-ro) /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-193 Mon, 10 Oct 2005 05:39:50 +0000 Hello Baby Abe, And a big warm Welcome to the World. And, congrats to your wonderful parents. I’ve never met your Dad, but I believe he is your Mom’s heart soul and that, my friend, is one BIG heart. You have your Mommy’s beautiful head of hair, and it’s hard to say yet, but it looks like you have her pretty olive skin (someday you might be an Oompa-Loompa, too ;-)).

On the day of your birth I was insanely and merrily preparing for our first-born’s birthday celebration: a small little raucous event. In fact, at the moment of your birth, I believe my daughter and I were decorating her cake with our dog (his face, not his hair), and many colorful sprinkles and choice icing. Five years minus two days prior to your arrival, my thoughtful daughter, Cora, was ushered unto this great world. And two years minus three weeks prior, my sweet son, Lane, was born. October is a great month, young Libra! One day you will all meet.

I’m thrilled for you all, little family! A great embarkment has begun!

Much love, Carolyn (K-ro)

By: Evelyn /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-192 Mon, 10 Oct 2005 05:13:29 +0000 Hi Abe,

I had the privelige of helping to welcome you into the world.

I was called away from watching my son bowl, yet another gutter ball, to your home a “quick change of plans.” When I arrived, your mom was laboring as calmly as I have ever seen a mom labor. It was amazing to watch. Your parents worked together so well. When you were born, your mom immediately held you in her arms. She sounded so thrilled.

It is difficult to put into words the experience of your birth. I will never forget it. Your mom made everything look so easy. Your dad was excited but calm! They both seemed immediately comfortable with your presence in the outside world. Enjoy your parents, they are truly special people.


By: Great Aunt Joanne /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-191 Fri, 07 Oct 2005 20:35:18 +0000 Welcome Abraham. Love the nod to your French heritage, just never mention it to any kid in grammar school unless you know karate.

Lucky Mom and Dad, to have a healthy beautiful, beatiful boy. Hope someday your parents play you John Lennon’s song by that name.

Can’t wait to meet you. My son Luke, your uncle, is the nut already teaching you how to cruise chicks. But with your good looks, probably you’ll be inundated. Besides, girls chase boys more often than not.

Your mom is a trooper. A surprise 10 cm is the way to go. You did pick winners for parents. Good thing they stayed home, you really didn’t need to be born in a car.

So how does it feel to have your own website before being born, even?

And thanks for coming so I know Luke’s still alive since he seems to have forgotten to call his mom. Remember that when you’re big and bad, moms and dads still always want a call

And tell Marc, your parental unit, thanks for articulating the love dads the world over have been shusshhing…..very cool. Hope it’s contagious.

Eat well, poo lots, yell your lungs out.

Love, Aunt Joanne

By: Gary /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-190 Fri, 07 Oct 2005 16:52:13 +0000 Abe !!
Welcome to the family….on the day you were born, while your Mom was working hard, we were driving back from a family vacation at the beach in Emerald Isle, NC. I was a beautiful sunny day – we hated leaving the beach, but were happy to be getting home. Our childhood family vacations were always very memorable for me – we loved visiting any kind of attraction – GatorLand, Stars Hall of Fame (Wax Museum!), Disney (Check out the silhouettes at Grandma’s house)…….But right now, your new family is recovering from all the excitement of your arrival – a REAL vacation will have to wait. I can’t wait to meet you.
Uncle Gary

By: Leslie /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-189 Thu, 06 Oct 2005 02:48:21 +0000 abe, while you were pushing your way into the world i was walking in the beauty of fall on the island i live on close to seattle. at the time of your birth i was thinking of the three of you. i was overdue in my correspondence with your father and wondered what day they were planning for your arrival. i was marveling in the beauty of the colors and migrating birds and the love manifest in the family of yours.
kristin…again, welcome to the world of mothers of sons…in good time i will meet you and share in your family.
marc…your words touch and hold me. thank you for your willingness to share.
love & blessings.

By: joanna /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-188 Thu, 06 Oct 2005 02:05:41 +0000 i spent saturday, october 1st alone, wrapped up in my beloved meditation of bookmaking. i cherished the light changing outside and an incredible storm. went for a walk in the afternoon and wanted the day to go on forever because the light was unbelievable.

i am so deeply happy for the 3 of you! your son is beautiful. marc’s writing will be a treasure for generations to come. kristin, i cannot wait to see you and meet your child. blessings.

By: Jeff /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-187 Wed, 05 Oct 2005 20:45:19 +0000 Abraham,

Welcome to the world!!! You are truly blessed to have such loving and dedicated parents. I’m sure your life will be full of wonderful adventures. Enjoy your self. Congratulations to both your parents and your new family. I’m sure you’ll have a beautiful life.


By: Luke S. /2005/10/01/abraham-amedee-archambault/#comment-186 Wed, 05 Oct 2005 03:15:49 +0000 Abraham,

To me, and to more of the Earth’s people than not, you were actually born on October 2nd. You might use this knowledge to try for double birthdays, with twice the presents and cake.

At the time of your birth, 0110 local, “I was flying over Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as part of the international coalition engaged in the Global War on Terror.” These are not my words, but I wish to point out that “Enduring” in the name of the operation is an adjective, and not a verb as some might have you believe. Although only time will tell if “Enduring” is prophetic or ironic, I hope the whole mess will be little more to you than a brief junior-high history lesson.

Regarding your father, it is possible, but unlikely, than any man wanted a child more than he wants you. What I cannot believe is that any man has expressed his love more generously or more eloquently. Be grateful, and do not take him for granted. Not long ago, and maybe even still, it was a couragous and unusual thing for a man to know and share his emotions. Because he can do it, you will be able to as well. Which is cool because chicks dig it now.

Finally, a little joke:
Q: What’s the difference between babies and fighter pilots?
A: Fighter pilots wear bigger diapers.

Until then, Luke S.
